July 16, 2019 – Free Speech & Peace

Heterodox Academy Launches New Interactive Data Visualization from Landmark Survey of College Students on Free Speech on Campus


Heterodox Academy recently released a new visualization tool analyzing the data set from research on the issue of Free Expression on Campus: What College Students Think About First Amendment Issues.

In 2016, this landmark, nationally representative survey was conducted by the Knight and Gallup Foundations and the Newseum Institute. In 2017, the Knight and Gallup Foundations partnered with the Charles Koch Foundation, the Stanton Foundation, and the American Council on Education to update key trends and discover new developments.

What do college students think about freedom of speech and expression? Do they think their campus climate supports free expression? And do they believe First Amendment freedoms are secure in today’s America? These are a few of the questions asked to survey respondents. Their answers are now shown in this visual representation, which is available free of charge to anyone wishing to analyze the data.

“The new tool invites researchers, journalists, and others to explore and interact with the data, including visualizing key variables across time and context,” stated Heterodox Academy Executive Director Debra Mashek. “The accessible, easy-to-use interface helps visitors understand how students think about freedom of expression on their campuses,” she noted, “helping to inform national conversations about the state of open inquiry and constructive disagreement in higher education.”

Learn more about the survey and use the new visualization tool here.